Intivion’s Forex White Label Solution

Whether you are a start-up or an established broker,  We have a range of solutions to meet your expectations. Trading platform options with an integrated back office system or an advanced premium CRM solution, we have it all. Look no further! With our streamlined processes, we strive to have your brokerage up and running within ONE WEEK, expediting your entry into the trading arena with efficiency and ease. Talk to us now and jumpstart your aspirations.

Step By Step Guide to your very own
Forex White Label Solution

Select Your Trading Platform

With our diverse array of trading platforms, we can help you tailor your brokerage precisely to your requirements. A well-chosen platform ensures seamless trading,  attract’s and retains traders, supports growth, and meets legal requirements, enhancing the overall success and competitiveness of the white-label offering.

Choose Your CRM

CRM for a Forex White-Label Solution is crucial for efficient client management, personalised communication, targeted marketing, compliance, and insights into client behaviour. It streamlines operations, enhances customer satisfaction, and drives profitability by optimising services and fostering long-term relationships with traders.

Design Your Website

Designing a quality website for a Forex White-Label Solution is vital for making a strong first impression, enhancing user experience, building trust, and increasing online visibility. A well-designed website attracts and retains traders, boosts credibility, and ultimately contributes to the success of the white-label solution.

Onboard Clients

We offer support and resources to facilitate the process. We provide technical support to ensure a smooth transition and optimal client experience. Additionally, we assist with regulatory compliance and offer guidance on industry best practices to help the client attract and retain traders effectively. Ultimately, our goal is to enable the client to onboard clients successfully and maximise the potential of their white-label solution.

Intivion’s Forex White Label Soultion

Select Your Trading platform


MT4/ MT5

MT5 stands out with its advanced trading tools, enabling traders to access a wide array of indicators, analytical features, and customisable charts for sophisticated market analysis. Its support for multi-asset trading allows diversification across various financial markets, enhancing trading opportunities. Moreover, MT5’s MQL5 programming language facilitates algorithmic trading, empowering traders to develop and deploy custom strategies and expert advisors for automated trading.



Sirix shines with its customizable branding options, enabling brokers to fully personalize the platform with their logo, color scheme, and branding elements, creating a distinct trading environment. Additionally, Sirix offers integrated risk management tools, empowering brokers to monitor positions, set margin alerts, and conduct risk analysis effectively. Its advanced reporting and analytics features provide valuable insights into client trading activity and performance metrics, facilitating data-driven decision-making.



Mobius stands out for its scalability and reliability, designed to handle large trading volumes with stable platform performance, even during peak market conditions. It prioritises regulatory compliance, offering built-in features like KYC/AML checks and transaction monitoring to help brokers meet regulatory requirements. Mobius also emphasises enhanced security measures, including encryption protocols and multi-factor authentication, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of client data and transactions.



 AndTrader distinguishes itself with its intuitive user interface, optimised for ease of use across devices, catering to both novice and experienced traders. It integrates social trading features, allowing traders to connect, share ideas, and replicate successful strategies within a collaborative trading community. Additionally, AndTrader offers comprehensive support services, including dedicated account managers and 24/7 customer support, ensuring brokers receive personalised assistance and guidance throughout their operations.



XOpenhub offers a comprehensive white-label solution with a focus on technological innovation and user experience. It stands out with its advanced trading platform, offering a wide range of trading instruments, real-time market data, and customisable trading interfaces. XOpenhub’s API integration capabilities allow for seamless connectivity with third-party systems, enabling brokers to offer additional services and functionalities to their clients. Moreover, XOpenhub provides extensive support services, including technical support, training, and ongoing updates, ensuring brokers have the tools and resources they need to succeed in the forex market.



VertexFX stands out for its feature-rich trading platform, offering a wide range of trading tools and functionalities to meet the diverse needs of brokers and traders. It provides customisable trading interfaces, advanced charting capabilities, and risk management tools, empowering brokers to create a unique and tailored trading environment for their clients. VertexFX’s robust infrastructure ensures reliable platform performance, even during periods of high market volatility, while its comprehensive support services, including technical assistance and training, help brokers effectively manage their operations and grow their business.



ArkTrader distinguishes itself with its focus on user-centric design and innovative features. It offers a user-friendly trading platform with intuitive navigation and customisable layouts, catering to traders of all experience levels. ArkTrader’s advanced order execution technology ensures fast and reliable trade execution, while its risk management tools help brokers effectively manage their exposure and protect client funds. Additionally, ArkTrader provides extensive support services, including personalised assistance and ongoing training, to help brokers maximise their success in the forex market.


Choose Your CRM


A Basic CRM system provides fundamental functionalities for managing customer interactions and data. It typically includes features such as contact management, task management, and basic reporting capabilities. While it is suitable for basic customer management tasks, a Basic CRM may lack the advanced features required for the intricacies of the forex trading industry.



On the other hand, an Advanced CRM system offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to the specific needs of forex brokers and white-label solutions. It goes beyond basic contact management and includes advanced functionalities such as lead scoring, automated workflows, and advanced analytics. This type of CRM is equipped with specialised tools for managing client onboarding processes, tracking trading activity, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Additionally, an Advanced CRM may integrate with other systems, such as trading platforms and risk management tools, to provide a seamless and integrated experience for brokers and traders alike.




Basic Website typically includes fundamental pages like home, about, services, and contact, offering minimal customisation options. Its design layout tends to be straightforward with basic functionality, serving primarily as a static online presence with limited interactivity. While adequate for conveying basic information about your brand, a Basic Website may lack the sophistication and features needed to excel in the competitive forex market. It may not incorporate advanced features like responsive design, SEO optimisation, or interactive elements crucial for boosting user engagement and attracting potential traders. Enhancing your website with these elements can optimise your marketing funnel, increasing the chances of converting leads into loyal customers.



On the other hand, an advanced website provides an expansive and dynamic online presence that is fine-tuned to meet the unique demands of forex brokers. It boasts a contemporary and adaptive design, meticulously crafted for effortless navigation across various devices, guaranteeing traders an optimal user journey whether they’re accessing the platform from desktops, laptops, or mobile devices. An Advanced Website incorporates cutting-edge features, including SEO optimisation, integrated contact forms, interactive elements that are visually appealing and designed to actively engage visitors, and rich multimedia content designed to captivate visitors and foster meaningful engagement. It seamlessly integrates with other systems, such as trading platforms and CRM systems, delivering a cohesive and streamlined user experience.

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